Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I am very sad to report that we lost Cathy this morning.

Thank you so much for all the love and prayers and positive energy. I have passed them on to James and his family. You are a generous and wonderful bunch and I am so honored to 'know' you!

I have visions of Cathy playing with (i.e. trying to kick the crap out of - she was a feisty one!) Vito in the land of no-pain and where snow is a fun thing, not something that prevents you from getting where you need to go when you really need to get there.

No one knew that Cathy had a tumor, she was (or seemed) completely normal, healthy and Cathy-like up until the moment she wasn't. (Oh! Update 939am, I just found out the vet's final word was that Cathy did NOT have a tumor - but that she had some kind of extremely fast-growing bacterial infection...as to what caused that, I guess we will never know...she was totally normal one minute, and extremely sick the next. Sigh...life...)

Rest in peace, sweet Cathy. Your daddy is heartbroken and so are the rest of us.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Please help save Cathy.

This is Cathy, my boyfriend's cat.

He lives in Bayville, NJ, where the snow is so deep and the town so busy cleaning it up, that the streets near his house are still covered in more than two feet of snow and enormous drifts.

Cathy got sick this a.m. - vomiting, diarrhea, and is now very lethargic and barely breathing and must get to the emergency vet's, but the snow is too deep to drive, and although he's shoveled a path out of the driveway, the streets are absolutely impassable until the plows come.

He has called the city many times and, for hours, they keep saying they will get there; but they still have not gotten there and time is running out for Cathy.

Anyone with a plow near Bayville, NJ, who can come help save Cathy?


UPDATE 3:08pm - Thank you for your emails, comments and prayers! Unfortunately, the plows have still not been through so Cathy is still not at the vet. The emergency vet people are being awesome and are calling him periodically to see how Cathy is doing - they think she has an obstruction and may need surgery...so, hopefully James can get her to the vet soon...we shall see...

UPDATE 7:30pm - After hours of digging-out attempts, James' mother's detective work tracked down the mayor's home phone number, she called and let him know how poor town management is killing Cathy because they can't get to the emergency vet...and how much she donates to PETA, the ASPCA and The Humane Society...and what she would do if he didn't get the streets plowed NOW, he got the 'hint' and sent a plow immediately. Amazing! See, Bayville, it CAN be done! They are now at the animal hospital...but the vet thinks it may be too late to save Cathy...still don't know what's wrong with her, but she is extremely dehydrated with very low blood pressure. Thanks so much for all the love and prayers!

UPDATE 11:30pm - The vets believe that Cathy had a malignant tumor that burst. They are keeping her as comfortable as possible...she more than likely won't make it through the night, but we're so thankful she got to the hospital and is getting the best possible care and at least a chance. Thank you, again, for all the emails, comments, love and prayers. Y'all are such an amazing group and I so appreciate you! OXO

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Very Short Wintery Tale

Grover investigates the first snowball of the season.

Unimpressed by the first snowball of the season, Grover knocks it to the floor.

Unimpressed by Grover's fury, the first snowball of the season gets its revenge.

The End

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Birds of a Feather...

Hi. I'm Grover and I live in the bathroom sink.

Hi. I'm Piggy and I grow red fur in the winter.

Hi. I'm Allison and I keep a cat blog.

Just letting our freak flags fly.

Happy Wednesday, y'all!


Friday, November 5, 2010

You Are Getting Sleeeeeeeepppppppyyyyyy.....


It's Grover.

Listen, Piggy is trying to hypnotize you.

Did it work?

I hope not.

He'd be simply unbearable if he actually had any sort of powers of hypnosis.

I can only imagine what would happen if suddenly we were all within his control and doing his bidding.

I suspect there would be an awful lot of snuggling and kissing.




Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In Which Grover Has The Last Snore

Here is where I prefer to spend my Sunday mornings.


It's Grover.

Listen, my mom doesn't seem to understand that when I am snoring it means I am SLEEPING and when she pokes me to make me stop snoring, it wakes me up, which sort of defeats the purpose of SLEEPING, doesn't it? It very much ANNOYS me when she POKES me all night to get me to stop snoring.

Also, it's futile, isn't it, if I go right back to snoring a few moments after she pokes me, right?

But she does not get this.

She is all poke, poke, poke, rub, rub, rub, Grover, shhhh...Grover...shhh...all night long.

However, in a funny twist of fate, and further proof that God loves cats (and has a sense of humor),
I feel I have my revenge.

See that guy up there? Yeah, he snores, too. Worse than me!

So, now it's all poke, poke, poke, rub, rub, rub, James, Grover, James, Grover...shhhh.. James, Grover...all night long!

Ha ha ha, mom! Joke's on you!



P.S. Hi, it's Piggy...listen, there is a box of something called BreatheRight Strips next to the bed and my mom kept saying she wishes they made them for Grover-sized noses, so ha ha ha Grover, if I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open! Love, Piggy

P.P.S. Hi, it's Grover. Really, Piggy? Really? Bitch, please!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oh Em Eff Gee, We Missed You!


Thank you. Over and over, thank you.

Our mom is still working through all the emails and comments and so appreciates each and every one. A plethora of them came through the Cat-Blog-O-Sphere and we are all very overwhelmed and honored by your concern and prayers! She wishes she could thank and hug you all in person and let you know how much it means to have so many people she's never even met in person supporting her in healing and wishing her well!

And, it worked!

We're back to life here and getting used to a new normal. A slower mom, but that's OK.

Mom's now fully diagnosed and under the care of good doctors. She's on meds for hypothyroidism (even though she disappeared before our eyes by losing 15 pounds for no reason), and hypertension, and has CKD. She's feeling good and back to work, and still taking it easy.

And, newsflash, we are now allowed to sleep in the bedroom again! We had been banned. Can you believe that?

Piggy blames me, because I snore and our mom hates repetitive noises, especially when she's sleeping. But I blame Piggy because he gets up a lot at night to poop and pee and drink water from the toilet and crunch dry food loudly and then get back in bed.

Now, you tell me, which is more annoying...a bald, pink thing drinking from the toilet and THEN getting back into bed and LICKING AND PATTING YOUR FACE...or, a delicate breathing sound emanating from a woolly, black, bat-like, kitten-sized Devon Rex who is brilliant and svelte?

I rest my case.

Anyway, she needs uninterrupted sleep now, and her attempts to ignore our incessant howling at and banging on the bedroom door all night were pissing her off, so she gave in and now let's us sleep in the big bed again.

Or, as we choose to believe, she simply realized we miss her so much now that she is out and about in the world again, because we got used to having her home all to ourselves for so many months. So we all sleep together in bed all night again, even though I still snore and Piggy still acts like a pig.

She's so easy to train, that one.

We are so happy. And all is good in the world.

Happy Friday!



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summertime and The Livin' Ain't Been Easy...

Piggy doing his best "Drunken Sailor" impression.


It's Grover.

Listen, our mom has been unwell for a few months, and is still home from work, but has, finally, we think, started on the long road to recovery. She's very lucky to have so many great friends near and far all helping her get better. She hopes to be able to go back to work in another month or so (crossing paws, sniffing catnip for good luck) and that is when we'll probably be back to posting more often.

She wants you to know she so appreciates all your emails and good wishes and promises to get back to each one very soon! She is so looking forward to getting back to LIFE and catching up with all the mischief our cat and human friends are up to, and hopes y'all are enjoying your Summer!

Here are some pictures of what life is like around here...

This is a picture of Piggy and how he looked the other morning after he ripped open a bag that mom had tied up to bring down for recycling. He pulled all the packing paper out of it and made a bed from it. As you can see, he's none-too-pleased that mom got all up in his bidness.

Here is a picture of me exploring a box of housewarming goodies sent to us by Jodi. There was so much good stuff in there for me! She's so thoughtful! However, that sneaky, stinky Piggy ended up claiming the pink catnip mouse for himself, and he made it all soggy with his incessant licking, so now I won't even go near it. Harrumph.

Mom found a few short video clips of our little brother Vito that she had taken with her cell phone and put them all together and here they are. We miss him. A lot...

And that is all we have to report. Back to sleep for all of us. Hope you're having a great Summer!



Monday, June 7, 2010

Love Big, Y'all

Don Vito Curlyone 2.?.09 - 11.27.09

I just found this pic of Vito and me and it made me sad and happy all at the same time.

This was taken on Thanksgiving, the night before he died.

He spent his last days in my arms or curled up with his BFF Piggy. I feel very lucky for that - that we all had one another.

I am thankful he came to live with us for the few short months he did. He was such a blessing!

Life is very, very short.

Love big.

It's the only way.



Saturday, May 29, 2010



It's Grover. Listen, I don't know why, but since we moved I just don't feel like snuggling Piggy any more. There. I said it. The truth will set me free.

Oh, don't feel all sorry for the little cretin, he's fine!

He's got his bear, as you see above.

And he's got his bunny. And his mouse.

He doesn't even need me. Really!

My mom keeps hoping I pay attention to The Stinky One again, but right now I'm too busy claiming territory, napping in the sun and watching the birds flying around outside the windows. I just don't have time to snuggle.

So sue me.



Friday, May 28, 2010


The expression of a creature who doesn't feel his portion of canned food was generous.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Privacy. Does It Exist?

Madame, please go away. I am trying to take my sun bawth.



Monday, May 17, 2010

Phantom Of The Window Sill


It's Grover.

Listen, sun baths.


All day.

I love it.



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, We Love You, Tomorrow!

Piggy says, "I'm ready, Mom! Tape the box closed and let's blow this joint!"


It's Grover. We're moving tomorrow!

We are all so excited that our eyes keep leaking. Or maybe it's just allergies.

Anyway, we'll see you soon!



Thursday, May 6, 2010

When Cats Go Bad

We are NOT kidding. Get out of the bathroom NOW and feed us, woman!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Movin' on up...

Mom packed up the bookcase and Piggy moved into one of the empty shelves.


It's Grover.

Listen, we're moving! Our mom is so very grateful to have found The Perfect Apartment for us and in just a week or two we put behind the Very Bad Experiences of the past three years living here and all that went along with it. Onward and upward, and proving my theory that a well-worded threat works wonders with this woman I live with. Huzzah!

So, I probably won't be posting much for a while but I wanted to tell you that Piggy seems to be having more wonky-sodes and we think he may have traumatized his Aunt Brandi because he had kind of a bad one, including another vasovagal response, while she was here visiting us from Texas; but she promised to come back anyway, so I don't have to kick his butt for scaring her off. She's a tough one, that Aunt Brandi, and I love her. I even let her snuggle me in bed.

Oh, shut up. I can be nice when I want to; I just prefer to use my other charms on a more regular basis.



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

If You Can't Take The Heat, Get Out Of The Apartment...


It's Grover. Listen, last night at 3am the heat came on full blast and we couldn't turn it off and my mom had to put the air conditioners on and it's still about 110 degrees in here and, although I like heat and all, I've got PLUSH, WOOLLY FUR and 110 is just a wee tad too BALMY for me, OK? And I could really do without laying next to Pig and getting swine sweat all over me.

So, mom, get us a new apartment. Stat. Or I'm taking the pink one and heading for Alaska. I hear that aurora borealis is really something to see...



Friday, April 2, 2010

Probably a good thing I do not have human children...

If you ever hear your cats running back and forth from the bathroom to the living room over and over and over, all the while making an odd crinkling sound...and then one of your cats jumps in your lap and his paws are wet, and the other one is sitting there looking at you with an odd(er than usual) expression on his face, it pays to investigate.

Dudes, really?!?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oui! Si! Aywa! Yes! Yes! Yes!


It's Piggy.

I think this photo, once and for all, answers the questions of: 1) Does Grover love me?; 2) Is Grover the World's Biggest Teller Of Falsehoods because he always acts like he doesn't love me?; and 3) Is Piggy the cutest and kindest and most forgiving cretin, um, CAT, who lives in this apartment because even after all the smack that Grover has spoken about me, I STILL let him use me as his pillow?

I'd say, the answer is YES! YES! YES!



Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello, hello, hello? Is there anybody in there?


It's Grover. Listen, I'm a wee bit freaked out by Piggy being in constant communication with his planet, yet never actually getting back on that spaceship and going home.

I don't think I'm over-reacting either.

If you saw something that doesn't look like a cat, doesn't smell like a cat, doesn't feel like a cat and doesn't act like a cat, but everyone around you kept pretending it WERE a cat, and then you saw said THING in a posture like this and then the TV started to go static-y (It did! I swear!), what would YOU think?


Your Witness, Counselor.



Friday, March 26, 2010

Fishes and pine and brownies, oh my!


It's Grover.

Listen, I wanted you to see a picture of how happy and fun I was before Piggy arrived to torment me and ruin my life. This is me getting a drink of water from the fish tank 7 years ago.

We don't have a fish tank anymore. Is it a coincidence that we have a Pig but no longer have fish? Hmmm....I wonder.

I'm also wondering if any of you are allergic to your cat litter. The scent maybe?

My mom thought maybe I was, so for a few months she had been trying new litters, but my allergies didn't get any better. They've never gotten better since the day I was born, but she still keeps trying to fix them. As if I weren't perfect just as I am, constant snuffles and all? Leave well enough alone, mom, OK?

She even changed my (yes, yes, I KNOW Piggy uses the same box I do, but it's still MINE!) litter to some nasty pine stuff! I thought it was a joke! Pine? In my box? I would have NO part of it (it was worse than the one she tried that was made of newspapers!). It took her a while to realize why I refused to poop in the box every time when she had that pine or newspaper stuff in there. She's not very bright, that one.

Piggy was confounded (kind of a natural state for Piggy anyway) by the entire litter-changing episode. He'd stand outside the box and look at my mom and look back into the box and look at my mom and look back into the box and sniff sniff sniff.

I think it's pretty obvious that we LIKE our environmentally-non-friendly, perfume-y, commercial brand, hard-clumping, scoopable litter, thank you very much. Do I mess with what brand of toilet paper YOU buy? Did I ever try and make YOU use newspaper in the bathroom? I rest my case.

Anyway, so we've reached the end of the litter experiment and we are now back to our usual litter and I am now back to pooping in my box and Piggy has stopped looking like he's watching a tennis match every time he goes over there.

I still refuse to cover my poops, as always, because I'd prefer Piggy find somewhere else to go and I keep hoping my uncovered poops will deter him from going into my box. So far, no luck. He goes in there right after I do to cover it up. Fine. Be my serf, Piggy. At least you are beginning to know your proper place in this household.

Anyway, Piggy's URI is still bad and he's been on antibiotics since March 6th. He is also taking double-doses of anti-virals. Last night may have been the worst of it - he couldn't breathe through his nose at all and the Little Noses didn't help and he just slept on my mom's chest with his head nuzzled in her neck and I could just tell he was totally milking the whole Pig in Distress thing. Bitch, please! It didn't stop him from eating mass quantities and begging for more, sounding like a rooting boar the entire time!

We are thinking maybe the change back to his Prednisolone every day kicked in quickly because this a.m., after a really horrid night, he is (though still doing his Aloysius Snuffleupagus impression) breathing more easily. He didn't puke yesterday, either.

So hopefully he is on the mend and hopefully my mom has grown bored of messing with my bathroom experience and hopefully she'll leave the gluten-free, freshly-baked brownies uncovered on the counter to cool again so I can again stand partially in the pan of warm deliciousness and lick the entire top crinkly layer off of them.

But, hopefully, next time she won't catch me in the middle of doing so and I won't get yelled at and she won't throw the brownies away (WHAT A WASTE! Doesn't she know that people are starving in this world?) and, instead, I can watch her eat my cat-lick each time she takes a bite.

Wouldn't THAT be fun!?



Thursday, March 25, 2010

Once a Pig, always a pig...


It's Grover. Listen, Piggy is seven and seven is old enough to know that you eat your yogurt with your mouth, not your face.




P.S. Hi. It's Piggy. Grover isn't being fair! I got yogurt on my face because my mom gave me the almost empty container of yogurt to lick and I had to put my head all the way into the container to get every drop. So that is why I look like I'm wearing cold cream, OK? Sheesh!

P.P.S. Hi. It's Piggy again. Thank you for all the well wishes! I love you and I appreciate you! I'm not feeling well at all, which is why it's especially annoying that Grover is making fun of me! My vet thinks I have asthma and they put me back on my Prednisolone every day because since they moved me to every other day to try and help to get rid of my URI (in conjunction with antibiotics), I lost the weight I gained and have been puking every day and having liquid poops and coughing very badly. I have very bad head congestion and it makes me grumpy. Even I think I sound like a real little pink pig instead of a cat who just looks like a little pink pig. Oink.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sunshine...on his eeeaaaarrrrs...makes him happyyyyyy...

Piggy wants you to know he feels like shit lately and he's sick of it, but the sun shining through his ears, though frightening to me, feels good to him.


It's Grover. Listen, I think my mom has gone so far off the charts that she is now color-coordinating accessories to match Piggy. Bitch, please. Did you really LIKE that pillow or did the green just remind you of the cretin's eyes?



Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Truth Comes Out, Finally


It's Grover.

Listen, the truth has finally made itself known and it is terrifying!

I live with Gollum!




Monday, March 15, 2010

It Wasn't Me!

We love the Aerobed!


It's me, Piggy.

We had a flood in our apartment on Saturday and yada yada yada, the bed and some other stuff got ruined, so our mom slept in the living room on the comfy Aerobed.

Me and Grover were very excited by this because we don't usually get to sleep with our mom since she's a bitch and locks us out of the bedroom at night. However, since Mother Earth has proven yet again how fed up she is with the human race, we got to sleep with our mom two nights in a row. Hooray!

I really didn't mind all the flooding because I'm a laid back sort of guy, but Grover can be a little, um, how shall I put this....sensitive (aka BITCHY!), and I think the disarray in the apartment, on top of our mom being stressed by all the water, caused Grover to crap on the floor right next to the Aeorbed and then climb right back under the covers and go to sleep as if it didn't even happen!

When our mom woke up and saw the poop there, she was none too pleased and Grover got yelled at. I pretended not to notice, but I was secretly snickering under the covers.

Oh, and she KNEW it was Grover because ever since the doc reduced my Prednisolone I've had bad poops, so it was obvious that the poop on the floor was the good kind (except that it was on the floor, not in the litter box, so that's kind of bad) so that is how my mom knew Grover should be yelled at and not The Pig (as my vet calls me).

So there.

We hope you are all safe and warm and dry!



Thursday, March 11, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

If it looks like a pig and sounds like a pig...

Don't let his regal stance fool you. He's a PIG!


It's Grover.

Listen, Piggy is purposely being extremely annoying with his repetitive noises in an attempt to drive me crazy and, perhaps, even force me to move back home to Inola, Oklahoma, where I was born almost 13 years ago. Don't laugh, it could happen. I will get right back on that airplane that took me here. Don't push me. And, after all I've been put through by living with this cretin, I will fly First Class, baby! Screw the cargo pit!

The vet says his immune system isn't doing so hot (probably because he's on so much Prednisolone for the IBD - though I suspect it's because he's A MUTANT AND NEEDS TO GO BACK HOME TO HIS PLANET), and now he has bad bronchitis. He can't breathe and he's oinking like a pig.


Bad enough he smells like a potato and mushroom casserole. Bad enough he needs his bald butt wiped with baby wipes after he poops. Bad enough he burrows under his blanket like a rat. Bad enough he has big eye boogers and he tries to eat them. Bad enough he gets to eat way more wet food than me, even after eating all those eye boogers. Bad enough he hogs up the best real estate in front of the radiator. Bad enough he licks the catnip toys until they are soggy and then turns into a mean drunk and gallumps on me. Bad enough he gets baths and has his ears cleaned with Q-tips and then tries to lick his own ear wax. Bad enough he has brain-washed my mother into thinking he's cute. Bad enough he takes a bath with Johnson & Johnson Baby Wash. Hello?

Now, on top of all of THAT, he snorts and grunts and wheezes and coughs and coughs and coughs and sneezes and coughs. And I'm supposed to be sympathetic? And I'm supposed to be all NICE to him? Oh, poor sick mutant. Poor sick pink...THING!

Ok. Fine. I'll try. But I'm not making any promises.



P.S. Piggy gained 11 ounces since he's on the thyroid meds. He's got wicked saggy skin like a deflated football so maybe now he'll plump up a little. And maybe he'll plump up so much that the tide will change and I will be the one getting most of the can of wet food and he will be the one getting one piddly spoonful! A boy can dream....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Looks-Like-A-Moth-Eaten Cat To A Flame


It's Piggy.

OK, Grover...really? Are you really laying next to the pot WHEN THE BURNER IS LIT WHEN MOM IS MAKING HER OATMEAL?

Are you really hanging your paw over the edge of the stove like you're all sorts of cool or something?

Is mom really that big of an ass by letting you stay there when you already burned your whiskers off before on the stove?

Note to mom: Instead of taking his picture and encouraging him to think he's Fonzie, how 'bout you just take him off the stove when the flame is lit, OK?

Good lord, what is going on in this house?



Monday, March 1, 2010



It's Grover. Listen, doo wa doo...do you want to know a secret...doo wa doo...do you promise not to tell...



Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Even Pigs get Seasonal Affective Disorder


It's Grover. Listen, Piggy says, "Screw this cold weather! Stick a fork in me, I'm pork loin!"

I say, "Let's eat!"



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Not that I feel the need to defend myself, but...


It's Grover.

Listen, here is me when I was a baby. My mom thinks I was about 4 months old here but she's not sure. Gee, that's typical...I bet she remembers every single time Piggy ever took a poop or did something funny in his entire life but me, no, for me she's all 'WhatEVER!'

Anyway, not that I feel the need to defend myself about who is cuter than whom and all, but...well, just look at the above.

'Nuff said.



Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Glass houses and all...


It's me, Piggy.

OK. So, Grover is always on here talking smack about me and how weird I am and how I smell like a potato-mushroom casserole and how I TRY to act cute when, in reality, I really AM cute, so how can I TRY to be something I already AM? Duh!

I would like you to look at the above mobile phone photo. Do you see anything odd? Do you see fur that looks like fluff and then fur that looks like waves? On the same body? You do? Yes, me, too.

Do you know what that is in the photo? It's Grover. A Devon Rex. A MUTANT DEVON REX!

Two kinds of fur on one cat? Fluff and waves? That sounds like the name of a bad college band. I mean, if you're going to have fur, make a decision on which kind you want and stick to it. OK?

You can't tell from this photo, but he also has a lot bald patches; which seems mighty suspicious to me when he makes fun of me for being naked. One might think that Grover is trying to look like me. One might even venture into the arena of possibility that Grover wants to BE me!

This should not be surprising to anyone. I'm pink. I'm cute. I'm bald. I have a tantalizing aroma. And I am the King of Gallumping. Also, I get to eat a lot more wet food than he does. Ha ha, Grover!

And now, off to sit in front of the radiator and lick Grover's bald neck. He's very tasty.



P.S. My mom wants me to clarify that Grover is not going bald suddenly, he has always been patchy since he was a baby! See? MUTANT!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I won't. I just will NOT tolerate this!


It's Grover.

Listen, please, someone come spare me from my fate!

Piggy is trying to be super extra special cute these days and I absolutely cannot stand it.

I mean, really, what is he doing in this picture, pretending he's all dreamy and with his eyes gazing heaven-ward? And that paw draped over my mom's arm. Bitch, please!

Obviously, my mom is eating it up as if he were bacon dipped in chocolate.

What's that the kids are saying these days? Oh yeah, FML.



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

BFFs til the end...and maybe still...

This is a picture of Vito on his last day alive, the same day I realized that Piggy has freakishly long legs.


Monday, February 8, 2010

On The Menu

Pink. Curled. Good with garlic and oil.


It's Grover.

Listen, today Piggy is doing his impersonation of a shrimp. The other day it was a chicken.

What's next? A Pig?




P.S. Piggy doesn't even have enough social graces to try and cover his bits. What a pig.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gross Encounters of the Third Kind

Mobile phone pic because this abomination of feline would have cracked the real camera's lens with his freakishness.


It's Grover.

Listen. Look at that. Are you even beginning to understand what I have to put up with for the 'pleasure' of living in this apartment? I mean, can you at least be open to the possibility that the thing you see pictured above is not really one of our species but is, instead, some sort of half-baked cretin from another realm who has brain-washed my mom into thinking he's some sort of CAT?!

Why am I the ONLY one who seems even the merest bit concerned about this?!

HelloooOOoooo? Is there anybody out there?!?!?


But don't say I didn't warn you.



Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Think Not

Another shot from when Vito was rescued. He looks so big here, but he wasn't...it also looks like he has a short tail, but he didn't.


It's Grover.

Listen, I don't think it's fair that I get one spoonful of wet food and Piggy gets nearly a whole can. This line of thinking is wrong on many levels and I want it to cease. Immediately.

This morning, I ate my one paltry spoon of wet food and then I marched right over to Piggy's bowl and began eating his, too. He shares, you know, now that he's no longer a Big Fat Pig and knows I can kick his ass if I see fit.

So, we're there together, and I'm eating ONLY what SHOULD RIGHTFULLY be MY portion of his extra-super-big portion (and I eat like a gentleman, too, by the way), but I got yelled at anyway!

My mom said, "Grover! Let Piggy eat his food!"

Excuse me? HIS food?

In my humble opinion, if I get one spoon of food from a can, and Piggy gets the rest of the can, then someone's concept of us 'sharing' a can of cat food is way, way off.

I think you need to know what is going on over here because there may be ramifications and I don't want you to think that any of this is MY fault. Please be aware of how I'm being tortured by my mom, OK?




P.S. Yes, I KNOW I have a big bowl of dry food sitting right there, and I KNOW I get a bowl of yogurt every day, too, but it is NOT THE SAME AS THE STINKY STUFF THAT COMES OUT OF THE CAN! I WANT MY FAIR SHARE!
P.P.S. That woman I live with better watch it before I start crapping under the armoire again. Just sayin'...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Just A Silly Thyroid Issue

This is a picture of Vito that his rescue angel took and sent to us when he was found and they brought him to a pet store and called him "George".


It's Grover. Listen, Piggy, as always, has blood results that aren't normal, but he's always that way and, like his vet says, "That's just the Pig!"...so, the only part we're going to pay attention to is that Piggy has an easily-dealt-with thyroid issue! No biggie said the Piggy. So now he'll be on more meds 2 times a day (on top of the meds he already takes 2 times a day for IBD and his heart) and that will be that.

The vet suggested a $1,900 iodine treatment that would cure the hyperthyroidism, but we're still paying off Vito's vet bills so, for now, that will have to wait. More so, considering the IBD seems to be advancing AND he's got a wonky heart, my mom doesn't think it's fair to Piggy to stick him in isolation for ten days while the iodine does its thing, etc., etc. He HATES being out of his house and gets traumatized each time he has to go to the vet...so, we'll think about this 'cure' at a later date.

He will start his meds today and he goes back to the vet in two weeks for more bloodwork to make sure the meds are doing their thing. And he goes to his cardiologist in two weeks, too, because the hyperthyroidism apparently can affect the heart as well.

Last night, a heat pipe burst in the apartment above ours and water cascaded down our living room walls and it was 110 degrees in the apartment and me and Piggy loved it! Our very own sauna! We drank some water from the floor but the maintenance people came and vacuumed it all up and stuff so then we had to drink water from our bowls and the bottom of the tub as per usual. Harrumph. Piggy tried to drink from the toilet because mom left the lid up and he got yelled at.

Ha ha, Piggy! Mom must not be so worried about your health right now because you are getting yelled at again! Sucker!



Friday, January 29, 2010

The Other Other Other White Meat

I am unsure if Piggy and Grover are re-enacting the aftermath of the execution of Marie Antoinette, or if Grover disposed of Piggy and has gotten himself a Purdue Oven-Stuffer Roaster.

P.S. And in the previous post, Piggy is the one standing up. He was always such a nosy little chicken :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Definitely Got Hit With The Ugly Stick

He was always the ugly one. Can you guess which is Piggy? My mom didn't take this picture. It was sent by his breeder when he was a three and a half weeks old.


It's Grover. Listen, my mom's having a hard time writing here these days, though she's reading all your blogs and loving it! So I guess it's up to me to fill you in a little bit.

I still love on Piggy (Oh, behave!) but not to the extent I was, because he still smells like potato-mushroom casserole and I'm tried of holding my wee nose. However, I DO still eat by him and sit by him and play with him (A LOT! He's skinny now so I can really kick his butt!). I sometimes still clean him and stuff, too. I love him now. I can't help it. But I don't snuggle him much anymore. What, you think that's mean? Harrumph! Whose side are you on anyway?!

Piggy, though acting like his stinky self most of the time, eats and eats and eats, throws up every few days, cries in the litter box and is down to 10.8 lbs. When his heart goes wonky he gets very quiet and sleeps very deeply. But, mostly, he acts totally normal and crazy and is being his funny and bratty self, as usual. He still waits by the door for Vito to come home and meows loudly when he hears someone go by our apartment door...missing is awful.

He goes to the vet on Saturday. The vet is thinking one of 3 things...that his thyroid, which has always been fine, is now not doing it's job (easily remedied by meds); or, the Prednisolone may have turned him diabetic, in which case we'll have to stop that drug and try another (which he said isn't as good, but worth a try); or, that the IBD has progressed and/or morphed into whatever kind of cancer it morphs into. So, for now, just blood work. Anyway, Piggy can't go under anesthesia because of his wonky, malformed/arrhythmiactic (is that a word?) heart, so it's not like we can do exploratory surgery or anything - hell, they won't even clean his teeth, which is upsetting to us, but less upsetting than him dying from anesthesia, which his Cardiologist said will definitely happen.

So, that's where we are at. We will keep you all posted. We love you!


(The one who is never sick and always smells fresh and is getting a bit tired of all the tears around here...)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friend

Piggy is feeling wonky today (and also rapidly losing weight since he lost his BFF...but let's not go there), so Grover feels that laying on his ear will help.

I think it does.