It's me, Piggy.
OK. So, Grover is always on here talking smack about me and how weird I am and how I smell like a potato-mushroom casserole and how I TRY to act cute when, in reality, I really AM cute, so how can I TRY to be something I already AM? Duh!
I would like you to look at the above mobile phone photo. Do you see anything odd? Do you see fur that looks like fluff and then fur that looks like waves? On the same body? You do? Yes, me, too.
Do you know what that is in the photo? It's Grover. A Devon Rex. A MUTANT DEVON REX!
Two kinds of fur on one cat? Fluff and waves? That sounds like the name of a bad college band. I mean, if you're going to have fur, make a decision on which kind you want and stick to it. OK?
You can't tell from this photo, but he also has a lot bald patches; which seems mighty suspicious to me when he makes fun of me for being naked. One might think that Grover is trying to look like me. One might even venture into the arena of possibility that Grover wants to BE me!
This should not be surprising to anyone. I'm pink. I'm cute. I'm bald. I have a tantalizing aroma. And I am the King of Gallumping. Also, I get to eat a lot more wet food than he does. Ha ha, Grover!
And now, off to sit in front of the radiator and lick Grover's bald neck. He's very tasty.
P.S. My mom wants me to clarify that Grover is not going bald suddenly, he has always been patchy since he was a baby! See? MUTANT!