My name is Piglet and I'm a little pink pig. Well, really, I'm a cat. A Sphynx. But I look like a little pink pig. My older brother, Grover, is a Devon Rex. He writes here, too, but don't believe anything he says. We live in a tree house in New York City with our mom and we thank you for visiting!
ingrates I tell ya...
Things are always on their terms...but we keep tryin to get our way (that's the cats talkin')
You guys don't look to they not unnerstand dat when we wake htem it is brekfist time and den dey wake us up during NAP time. Get it, NAP time, when we'z suppose to be sleeping.
Yep, we give Meowm that same look when she wakes us from naps.
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ingrates I tell ya...
Things are always on their terms...but we keep tryin to get our way (that's the cats talkin')
You guys don't look to they not unnerstand dat when we wake htem it is brekfist time and den dey wake us up during NAP time. Get it, NAP time, when we'z suppose to be sleeping.
Yep, we give Meowm that same look when she wakes us from naps.
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