So, 3:45, fine. You want breakfast, stinky Pig? You got it.
Problem is, when his regularly scheduled wet food time arrived a few hours later, he expected to receive some more.
It took him about 20 minutes of me milling around the kitchen not opening another can of wet food before he realized a second breakfast was not forthcoming.
Mind you, he has dry food available 24/7. Eventually, he got the hint and began to eat it, very slowly, very begrudgingly, sitting up, tail swishing, glaring at me after every bite to make sure I sensed his annoyance.
He is so lucky that he's cute.
He must be taking annoyance lessons from my mancat, Jake.
Just like another commenter a while back...I just love Sphynx's little boobies...remind me of that grannie cartoon in the old Playboy magazines, hahameow...Oh, yeah...listen to Disco's meow on my last post...he does that whenever he wants anything!
Laughing my butt off at this. I heart him so much.
He is so funny. We learned long ago that Mom will NOT get up for us. Of course, we do get fed right before bed, so that helps, but nope, she won't get up. She's usually up really late anyway, so it's only on weekends that we have a problem with her not getting up early enough for us.
Cody and Gracie
haha, I'm so glad I'm not the only cat mom who yells profanities at her cats who insist on screaming between the hours of 11 PM and 7 AM.
Sounds like our Meowms mornings...although we do wait till around 6 or 7 to bother her.
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