We didn't always have to live separately, but then The Incident Of Which We Shall Not Speak occurred and mom and dad decided it was not safe to keep us together.
Grover and I like to think of it as Siri being banished because he's a big stupid dog with big stupid teeth, but when no one is home, we sit on one side of the door that divides our space from his space and he sits on his side and tells us that we are the ones being banished, not him. And he tells us that we better not try to touch his food again. And he tells us that if we try to sneak into his space he will eat us.
OK, he doesn't say these things to Grover. He LIKES Grover. He doesn't like me. I don't like him either and that is why whenever I see him I try to attack him. And that is why he's banished. But he insists WE are banished.
Sometimes we believe him. Like the past two nights. Because he got to sleep in the bedroom with our parents and the bedroom is in OUR part of the apartment! We did NOT say he could go in there.
We slept outside the bedroom door all night and we could hear him in there snoring along with our dad and let me tell you, 'pissed off' does not even begin to express what Grover and I are feeling right now.
We are contemplating a proper punishment for not only our mom and dad, but for Siri, too.
I don't know who the heck he thinks he is, but if he sleeps in our bedroom again tonight, this means war!
This picture was taken way back before All Hell Broke Loose.
This gives you somewhat of a hint as to why The Incident of Which We Shall Not Speak occurred.
OK, one more hint, you didn't think a dog would tolerate getting hit in the face by a cat, would you?
OK, just one more hint...did you know that if a dog tries to bite you because you kept hitting him in the head and charging him and hissing at him, and your mom jumps between you and the dog, and she gets bit really hard and gets a bone infection that lasts for months it means the dog gets banished?
Well let this be a warning to all dogs. Do NOT mess with the cats. And do NOT bite the mom!
And stay out of our bedroom, too! This means YOU, Siri!