It's Grover. Listen, if you leave any article of clothing on the floor, Piggy believes you put it there for his comfort, and will sleep on it.
I, of course, believe nothing he does or says to be true unless I test it out for myself, because he is prone to immature behavior like trying to look especially cute and comfy to entice me to snuggle up to him.
I will not be fooled by his fakery!
P.S. Alright, alright! Piggy was right....James' sweatpants are very comfortable. There. I said it. Now go away. We're trying to sleep here.
nothing like sweaty, cotton felt to warm the cockles...
Grover, you are just too funny!
Things left on the floor (or the couch or the bed) are meant to be slept on by the cat. It's a rule and it's written in a book somewhere.
Aww, Grover,you little softy. Fess love it.
BTW, how is Piggy feeling these days???? Good, I hope.
Teri never makes her bed cuz if she did, it would be harder for us to burrow in...she doesn't leave clothes on the floor though...we'll have to change that!!
Where ever you two sleep, just stay warm!!!
Hard to admit Piggy was right, isn't it! But worth the snooze to find out.
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