It's Grover.
Listen, I love my little brother, Pig. I do.
Even though he always bothers me and tries to pounce on me the moment I step from the litter box.
Even though he's GIANT and smells like mushrooms and potatoes.
Even though he likes to annoy me so much I have to leave the room and then he curls up in my warm spot.
Even though I still don't think he's really a cat.
Even though he never leaves the litter box without a dirty butt and mom always has to wipe him down with baby-wipes.
Even though he likes to climb into plastic bags and sleep.
Even though he licks everything and makes it soggy.
Even though he likes to play Big Pink Vampire and tries to bite my neck.
Even though one time mom was cleaning gunk out of his eyes and he licked it off the tissue and ate it before mom could stop him, and mom and I nearly threw up.
Even though he copies every thing I do and then pretends it's me who is copying him.
Even though he makes a lot of noise when he runs.
Even though he writes lies about me here for everyone to see.
Even though he has no whiskers except for one teeny tiny little thing I think might just perhaps be a whisker. Sort of.
Even though he has to take baths.
And, most importantly, even though I was so happy being an only-child before his bald, weird, stupid ass entered into the picture.
So, like I was saying, I do love my little brother, Pig.
Even when he yawns while the sun is blazing through his ears and he looks like this.

Even though it's very hard to love something that looks like that, I still do.