This is Cathy, my boyfriend's cat.
He lives in Bayville, NJ, where the snow is so deep and the town so busy cleaning it up, that the streets near his house are still covered in more than two feet of snow and enormous drifts.
Cathy got sick this a.m. - vomiting, diarrhea, and is now very lethargic and barely breathing and must get to the emergency vet's, but the snow is too deep to drive, and although he's shoveled a path out of the driveway, the streets are absolutely impassable until the plows come.
He has called the city many times and, for hours, they keep saying they will get there; but they still have not gotten there and time is running out for Cathy.
Anyone with a plow near Bayville, NJ, who can come help save Cathy?
UPDATE 3:08pm - Thank you for your emails, comments and prayers! Unfortunately, the plows have still not been through so Cathy is still not at the vet. The emergency vet people are being awesome and are calling him periodically to see how Cathy is doing - they think she has an obstruction and may need surgery...so, hopefully James can get her to the vet soon...we shall see...
UPDATE 7:30pm - After hours of digging-out attempts, James' mother's detective work tracked down the mayor's home phone number, she called and let him know how poor town management is killing Cathy because they can't get to the emergency vet...and how much she donates to PETA, the ASPCA and The Humane Society...and what she would do if he didn't get the streets plowed NOW, he got the 'hint' and sent a plow immediately. Amazing! See, Bayville, it CAN be done! They are now at the animal hospital...but the vet thinks it may be too late to save Cathy...still don't know what's wrong with her, but she is extremely dehydrated with very low blood pressure. Thanks so much for all the love and prayers!
UPDATE 11:30pm - The vets believe that Cathy had a malignant tumor that burst. They are keeping her as comfortable as possible...she more than likely won't make it through the night, but we're so thankful she got to the hospital and is getting the best possible care and at least a chance. Thank you, again, for all the emails, comments, love and prayers. Y'all are such an amazing group and I so appreciate you! OXO