Piggy doing his best "Drunken Sailor" impression.
It's Grover.
Listen, our mom has been unwell for a few months, and is still home from work, but has, finally, we think, started on the long road to recovery. She's very lucky to have so many great friends near and far all helping her get better. She hopes to be able to go back to work in another month or so (crossing paws, sniffing catnip for good luck) and that is when we'll probably be back to posting more often.
She wants you to know she so appreciates all your emails and good wishes and promises to get back to each one very soon! She is so looking forward to getting back to LIFE and catching up with all the mischief our cat and human friends are up to, and hopes y'all are enjoying your Summer!
Here are some pictures of what life is like around here...

This is a picture of Piggy and how he looked the other morning after he ripped open a bag that mom had tied up to bring down for recycling. He pulled all the packing paper out of it and made a bed from it. As you can see, he's none-too-pleased that mom got all up in his bidness.

Here is a picture of me exploring a box of housewarming goodies sent to us by Jodi. There was so much good stuff in there for me! She's so thoughtful! However, that sneaky, stinky Piggy ended up claiming the pink catnip mouse for himself, and he made it all soggy with his incessant licking, so now I won't even go near it. Harrumph.
Mom found a few short video clips of our little brother Vito that she had taken with her cell phone and put them all together and here they are. We miss him. A lot...
And that is all we have to report. Back to sleep for all of us. Hope you're having a great Summer!